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RB-PC386 Revolutionary slump-r retaining, superplasticizer/ high range water reducer. Displays excellent dispersion and water reduction capability’s suitable the ready. mix industry.


RB-PC 386 is a unique combination of polycarboxylate polymers which act through a strong steric hindrance mechanism, outperforming conventional superplasticizers.


RB-PC 386 has been specifically engineered towards the Ready-Mix concrete industry for its superior high range water reducing and slump retaining capabilities. High Workability retention is achieved by delaying absorption onto the cement particles using excellent dispersion performance.


With RB-PC 386 you can achieve excellent retention without any set delay or any reduction in strength at 24 hours and shows excellent versatility over different cement types.


  • Ability to produce High workability concrete with Slump Retention of over 1
  • Suitable for High rise/Pumped concrete or long-distance
  • Ideal for producing Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) and high workability
  • Low water to cement ratios provides long term durability and improves the concretes resistance to sulphate


  • Excellent retention levels for High contents of microsilica
  • Used in the production of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) and high workability concrete displays

improved consistency this requires little or no vibration.

  • Exhibits concrete of an extremely low viscous nature. This enables floating and finishing to be made less labor
  • Confidence that concrete will be the same on site as

batched at the Ready-mix plant.

  • Excellent strength development with no set
  • Robust consistent performance across different cement sources and cementitious combinations.
  • Chloride free. Ideal for concrete containing embedded


Typical dosage

For each application the optimum dosage of RB-PC 386 is best established by trial mixes with the same site materials in use under conditions that will be experienced on site.


The typical dosage range is 0.3 to 0.8 kg / 100 kg of cementitious content.

For further advice please contact the Resin Beton Technical Department.



Liquid Nature
Amber Color
1.1- 1.09 Specific gravity
1 -/+ 0.5 PH
0.1%> chloride content
0.5%> Na20 equivalent
sensitive to freezing Freezing point



RB-PC 386 is supplied ready for addition to concrete at the batching plant.


The correct quantity should be measured by means of a suitable dispenser at the time of batching the concrete. It’s best added with the latter part of the mixing water.

Effects of overdosing

Overdosing above the recommended dosage range may promote segregation and excessive bleeding of the concrete mix. In the event of a suspected overdose please consult the Resin Beton Technical Department.


With cements

RB-PC 386 is suitable for use with all types of Portland cement and cement replacement materials e.g. GGBS, PFA and microsilica.


With other admixtures

RB-PC 386 is compatible with other admixtures in the Resin Beton range. Admixtures should never be premixed prior to their addition to the concrete mix.

Contact the Resin Beton Technical Department for further advice on the effects of various admixtures.


RB-PC 386 is available in bulk supply or 20 liter drums.


RB-PC 386 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months provided the temperature is within 2oC to 50oC. Should the product become frozen, the properties of RB-PC 386 can be homogenized by thorough agitation of the completely thawed product.


Health and safety

For further information consult the product safety data sheet for this product.


RB-PC 386 is water based and non – flammable.